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[5E6]≫ Read Free The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books

The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books

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Download PDF The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books

Since its publication almost forty years ago, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel has established itself as a classic of biblical scholarship. Regarded as a seminal text in Johannine studies, it provides a comprehensive and authoritative exposition of the major elements and themes contained in this more original and fascinating of ancient documents. The author reconstructs the background and intellectual milieu out of which the Fourth Gospel may be supposed to have taken shape. He then defines as precisely as possible the leading concepts that may be said to have determined the structure and arrangement of the book as we have it. The result is a massive achievement, and no serious student of the New Testament can afford to ignore this study's findings. The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel represents the culmination of a lifetime's reflection on its subject by one of this century's most distinguished New Testament scholars, and will continue to stimulate and provoke generations of readers.

The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books

Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel by C.H. Dodd is rightly considered a classic commentary on the Gospel of John. Despite the fact that it was originally published in 1953 it is still very insightful and offers ideas not found very often in commentaries.

However, it is not what most people would consider to be a good contemporary commentary. Contemporary commentaries have an introduction that explains the themes, context, author, and other issues that will appear in the book. However, the introduction will usually be relatively short with the bulk of the commentary offering either verse-by-verse or paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the text. In the case of Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel the introduction comprises more than half of the book and the commentary section offers only limited comments on the text.

The other down-side is that the Dodd liberally uses the Greek character set for both words and phrases in the analysis. An interlinear Greek/English Bible would be needed for someone who is not familiar with biblical Greek.
For serious students and pastors this book will be helpful, providing excellent lengthy discussion on various religions and philosophies at the time of the writing of the gospel and the leading ideas (themes) developed in the gospel. This will offer an excellent, in-depth lens through which to understand what the author of the gospel teaches about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

There is another way to access the insights in this volume and in the sequel, Historical Tradition of the Fourth Gospel. George R. Beasley-Murray, who counts Dodd as his most important mentor, has written the Word Biblical Commentary: John (2nd edition) which heavily incorporates Dodd’s insights into his commentary. The Word Biblical Commentary series also liberally uses the Greek character set for both words and phrases in the analysis.

Product details

  • Printed Access Code
  • Publisher Cambridge University Press (December 10, 2009)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0511520336

Read The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books

Tags : The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel [C. H. Dodd] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Since its publication almost forty years ago, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel has established itself as a classic of biblical scholarship. Regarded as a seminal text in Johannine studies,C. H. Dodd,The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel,Cambridge University Press,0511520336,RELIGION Biblical Studies New Testament
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The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel C H Dodd 9780511520334 Books Reviews

The book is what I have expected. It is good.

Anna Lee
Any library that will be adequately stocked with books on John's Gospel must surely include this great classic by one of the world's renowned Johannine scholars, C. H. Dodd.
Clarity and always interesting perspective.
Dodd's.Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel helps advance one's understanding of John's Gospel while honoring its mystery and depth. It's like looking at the Grand Canyon with an "ace" Geologist. The Geologist can give you all kinds of insights into the formations you're looking at and what it took to make them, but at the end of the day, even the Geologist has to step back and say, "Wow,". My "Wow" at reading Gospel of John is much more informed and nuanced thanks to Dodd.
Good reference material regarding the contexts of early Christianity and varied groups Jewish, Christian, Greek, Gnostics but I did not find that the commentary on the text of John to be particularly helpful.
This book was first recommended to me by an atheist NT scholar who said that, despite the conservative bent of Dodd, this book is very good. At my seminary (a conservative one) the book is considered to be very good as well. So polar opposite ends of the spectrum agree on something, which is usually a positive sign.

Dodd provides extensive historical data that factors into exegesis of John's gospel. He does not transliterate the Greek or Hebrew so those with little or no knowledge of either may become bogged-down; however, using an interlinear or diglot of some kind may help. I would encourage beginners to get acquainted with this work since it will introduce them to a wealth of literature and provide in-depth information on John. That said, this isn't a 'toy' and shouldn't be wielded as such. The work is definitely geared more toward scholars or at least those with a little language/exegetical training under their belt. I bought it before taking five years of Greek and I can say that it is much more useful to me now than before.

(Side note the 3-star review before mine appears to be a review of the seller from whom the reviewer bought their copy; not Dodd's book itself.)
Dodd's work is a must read for those engaging in Johannine studies. Though it is a bit dated regarding backgrounds to the Fourth Gospel (the Dead Sea Scrolls were not available at the time he originally published this monograph), it still contains many valuable insights regarding the use of background information. The real strength of the book, however, is Dodd's outline and panoramic overview of John's Gospel. His influence is still felt today as most Johannine scholars still follow Dodd's outline of the Fourth Gospel or some adaptation of it.
Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel by C.H. Dodd is rightly considered a classic commentary on the Gospel of John. Despite the fact that it was originally published in 1953 it is still very insightful and offers ideas not found very often in commentaries.

However, it is not what most people would consider to be a good contemporary commentary. Contemporary commentaries have an introduction that explains the themes, context, author, and other issues that will appear in the book. However, the introduction will usually be relatively short with the bulk of the commentary offering either verse-by-verse or paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the text. In the case of Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel the introduction comprises more than half of the book and the commentary section offers only limited comments on the text.

The other down-side is that the Dodd liberally uses the Greek character set for both words and phrases in the analysis. An interlinear Greek/English Bible would be needed for someone who is not familiar with biblical Greek.
For serious students and pastors this book will be helpful, providing excellent lengthy discussion on various religions and philosophies at the time of the writing of the gospel and the leading ideas (themes) developed in the gospel. This will offer an excellent, in-depth lens through which to understand what the author of the gospel teaches about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

There is another way to access the insights in this volume and in the sequel, Historical Tradition of the Fourth Gospel. George R. Beasley-Murray, who counts Dodd as his most important mentor, has written the Word Biblical Commentary John (2nd edition) which heavily incorporates Dodd’s insights into his commentary. The Word Biblical Commentary series also liberally uses the Greek character set for both words and phrases in the analysis.
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